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Qu Research Lab
Multiscale Biointerface Electrochemistry
Students are welcome to inquire about the opportunities related to Doctor'sand Master's degree!Welcome to consult postdoctoral opportunities
Warmly welcome Hong Gonghua pH.D to join our research group
在此处添加文本段落2024/07: Our work "Efficient Life-Cycle Management: Recyclable self-support MnCuOxS1-x wastewater treatment catalyst for electrosynthesis of benzoic acid to accelerate hydrogen production" was accepted for publication in Chemical Engineering Journal as a research article. Congratulations to Mr. Xinwei Wen and the whole team!
2024/06: Congratulations to the following students for successfully graduating from the research group and obtaining a doctoral or master's degree. Wishing them all the best in their future work and success.
Doctoral Degree:Mr. Chang Liu and Mr. Xinwen Wen; Master's degree:Mr. Puyang Fan, Miss Yue Zhao, Miss Yuhui Wei
2024/06: Our work " Influence of Candida albicans-Streptococcus mutans cross-border interactions on the corrosion behaviour of Ti and Ti-Zr in artificial saliva" was accepted for publication in Corrosion SCience as a research article. Congratulations to Mr. Jiajie Wu and the whole team!
2024/05: Our work " Regenerating Spent Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes as Dual-Functional Biocatalysts for Highly-Efficient Oxygen and HydrogenEvolution Using Aspergillus niger Soluble Extracellular Polymers" was accepted for publication in ACS Sustaninable Chemistry & Engineering as a research article. Congratulations to Mr. Lin Ge and the whole team!
2024/03: Congratulations to Mr. Guang Li for winning Graduate project of Scientific Research Fund of Yunnan Education Department (云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目研究生项目)
2024/02: Our work " Enlightening thermoelectric mastery: Bio-inspired cellulose gel containing eco-friendly deep eutectic solvents" was accepted for publication in Chemical Engineering Journal as a research article. Congratulations to Miss Yuxi Chen and the whole team!
2024/01: Our work " Enhanced nitrate reduction via the Ag–Cu–P catalyst for sustainable ammonia generation under ambient conditions" was accepted for publication in Green Chemistry as a research article. Congratulations to Mr. Xinwei Wen and the whole team!
2023/12: Our work " Composition engineering of carbon nanotubes supported PtxRhRu ultrafine nanocatalysts for ethanol electro-oxidation: Elucidating the role of trimetallic sites" was accepted for publication in Chemical Engineering Journal as a research article. Congratulations to Mr. Chang Liu and the whole team!
2023/12: Our work "A new electrochemical DNA biosensor based on the density control strategy of Ti3C2NH2 MXene@Au nanocomposites for the detection of hepatitis B virus-DNA" was accepted for publication in ionics as a research article. Congratulations to Mr. Puyang Fan and the whole team!
2023/10: Our work "Upcycling spent palladium-based catalysts into high value-added catalysts via electronic regulation of Escherichia coli to high-efficiently reduce hexavalent chromium" was accepted for publication in Environmental Pollution as a research article. Congratulations to Ms.Yang Yu and the whole team!
2023/09: Welcome Hexi Zhang, Yefei Su,Yining Fan and Jiangjun Lin to join our research group
2023/07: Our work "Epiphyte-inspired multifunctional biocomposites for electromagnetic interference shielding" was accepted for publication in Chemical Engineering Journal as a research article. Congratulations to Ms. Gonghua Hong and the whole team!
2023/06: Our work "Facile-synthesis and shape-adjustment of irregular gravel-like PtPd nanocatalysts by three dimensional hyperbranched polyamide (HBPA) with enhanced activity in ethanol oxidation" was accepted for publication in Intionational Journal of Hydrogen Energy as a research article. Congratulations to Mr. Chang Liu and the whole team!
2023/05: Congratulations to the following students for successfully graduating from the research group and obtaining a doctoral or master's degree. Wishing them all the best in their future work and success.
Doctoral Degree:Mr. Shuang Tan; Master's degree:Mr. Enyang Ma, Mr Xiuwen Pan, Mr. Shuai Chen, Miss Kexin Chen, Miss Tao Wu, Miss Feng Zeng
2023/04: Congratulations to Miss Xincan Qian, who won the 2022th Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in Yunnan Province(2022年度云南省优秀博士毕业论文)
2023/02: Our work "Streptococcus mutans soluble extracellular polymeric substances and sodium molybdate as mixed corrosion inhibitor for X70 steel" was accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Science as a research article. Congratulations to Mr. Shuai Chen and the whole team!
2023/01: Our work "Bioregulation of FeNi LDH morphology and electronic structure to highly promote electrocatalytic oxygen evolution" was accepted for publication in Chemical Engineering Journal as a research article. Congratulations to Mr. Guang Li and the whole team!
2023/01: Our work "A kind of biological hybrid material – Trichoderma viride/FeOOH as adurable anticorrosion coating for steel" was accepted for publication in Materials & Design as a research article. Congratulations to Mr. Congkui Tang and the whole team!
2022/12 Congratulations to Dr. Gonghua Hong for winning the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, No.72 General Fund(第七十二批中国博士后科学基金面上项目)
2022/12: Our work "High-selective and effective carbon nanotubes supported ultrasmall PtPdRh electrocatalysts for ethanol oxidation" was accepted for publication in Electrochimica Acta as a research article. Congratulations to Mr. Chang Liu and the whole team!
2022/12: Congratulations to our team members Mr. Xinwei wen and Mr. Kai Teng for winning funding by the 14th Graduate Research and Innovation Project of Yunnan University (云南大学第十四届研究生科研创新项目)
2022/11: Our work "Control-synthesized ultrafine Au nanoparticles by Aspergillus niger extracellular metabolites from SIM cards as high-effective 4-nitrophenol degradation catalyst" was accepted for publication in Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering as a research article. Congratulations to Mr. Chang Liu and the whole team!
2022/10: Our work "Inhibition of microbiologically influenced corrosion and biofouling of X70 carbon steels by near-superhydrophobic D-cysteine/Ag@ZIF-8 coatings" was accepted for publication in Corrosion Science as a research article. Congratulations to Miss Kexin Chen and the whole team!
2022/10: Congratulations to Miss Zeng feng, who won the 2022th Yunnan Provincial Scholarship (云南省政府奖学金)。
2022/09: Our work "An ultrasensitive electrochemical DNA biosensor based on the highly conductive Nd–Sb-co-doped SnO2@Pt nanocomposite for the rapid detection of HIV-DNA" was accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Research as a research article. Congratulations to Mr. Enyang Ma and the whole team!
2022/08: Our work "Adsorption of Candida albicans on Ti-6Al-4V surface and its corrosion effects in artificial saliva" was accepted for publication in Bioelectrochemistry as a research article. Congratulations to Miss Feng Zeng and the whole team!
2022/07: Our work "Bacterial-driven upcycling spent Ag into high-performance catalyst fortoxic organics reduction" was accepted for publication in Chemosphere as a research article. Congratulations to Miss Xiaohong Li and the whole team!
2022/06: Our work "Supramolecular DNA sensor based on the integration of host-guest immobilization strategy and WP5-Ag/PEHA supramolecular aggregates" was accepted for publication in Analytica Chimica Acta as a research article. Congratulations to Miss Xingcan Qian and the whole team!
2022/06: Our work "A stable Au–N bond controlled probe immobilizationapproach for the sensitive detection of kirsten ratsarcoma viral oncogene DNA using NH2-HMS@Au" was accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Science as a research article. Congratulations to Miss Xiongfei Bai and the whole team!
2022/04: Congratulations to Dr. Shunling Li, who successfully graduated from our group and was introduced to the School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Kunming University of Science and Technology as a fifth level talent.
2022/04: Our work "A regenerable and reducing false-positive fluorescent switch for detection of β-amyloid 1− 42 oligomers" was accepted for publication in Talanta as a research article. Congratulations to Mr. Shuang Tan and the whole team!2022/01: Our work "Hybrid Transition Metal(V, Fe and Co) Oxide/Sulfide Catalyst for High-efficient Overall Water Splitting" was accepted for publication in New Journal of Chemistry as a research article. Congratulations to Mr. Xinwei Wen and the whole team!
2022/01: Congratulations to Mr. Chang Liu for winning Graduate project of Scientific Research Fund of Yunnan Education Department (云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目研究生项目)
2021/11: Congratulations to Miss Shunling Li for winning Baosteel Award for Outstanding Student gold (宝钢优秀学生奖)
2021/11: Congratulations to our team members Mr. Guang Li and Mr. Enyang Ma for winning funding by the 13th Graduate Research and Innovation Project of Yunnan University (云南大学第十三届研究生科研创新项目)
2021/05: Our work "Facile and clean separation of Pb(II) from soil and recycling by pH-triggered microbial technology" was accepted for publication in Chemical Engineering Journal as a research article. Congratulations to Miss Shunling Li and the whole team!
2020/12: Our work "A sustainable way to reuse Cr(VI) into an efficient biological nanometer electrocatalyst by Bacillus megaterium" was accepted for publication in Journal of Hazardous Materials as a research article. Congratulations to Miss Shunling Li and the whole team!
2020/11: Our work "Ultrasmall Pd and PtPd nanoparticles for highly efficient catalysis directed by predesigned Morchella-inspired encapsulation" was accepted for publication in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science as a research article. Congratulations to Miss Shunling Li and the whole team!
2020/10: Congratulations to Mr. Chang Liu for receiving the 12th Graduate Innovation Program of Yunnan University
2020/10: Congratulations to our group members for winning scholarships (2020年, 课题组奖学金英雄榜): Miss Shunling Li: National Scholarship (国家奖学金);Miss Xingcan Qian: Yunnan Provincial Scholarship (云南省奖学金).
2020/09: Congratulations to our group "The corrosion effect and mechanism of Candida albicans and Streptococcus mutans interaction on oral titanium implants" was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (国家自然科学基金项目“白色念珠菌与变形链球菌互作对口腔植入钛材的腐蚀影响及机理)(52061041)
Recycling and utilization of wastes
Study on the utilization of microorganisms in wastewater and soil heavy metal pollution
Study on the recovery and reuse of waste by microorganism
Development of new biomaterials
Development of corrosion resistant and antibacterial functional coatings
Development of multifunctional anti - fouling, anti - fouling and anti - bacterial functional materials
Development of new dental materials
Development of biosensor based on nanomaterials
Study on the synergistic mechanism of metal and microorganism
Corrosion behavior of special metal materials in complex microbial environment
Development of biological electrocatalytic materials
Development of OER and HER electrocatalysts
Experience 研究经历
1997-present Independent PI, Professor
Department of Chemical Sciences and Engineering
Yunnan University
2011-2012 Visiting scholar of "Light of the West"
nanjing University
with Prof. Hongyuan Chen (陈洪渊 院士)
2008-2009 Visiting scholar
Manchester University
with Prof. Stuart Lyon
Education 教育背景
2002 Ph.D. Institute of Meterial Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences
中国科学院金属研究所 博士 (导师:曹楚南 院士)
1997 M.S.in Physical Chemistry, Yunnan University
云南大学 物理化学硕士
1994 B.S. in Chemistry, Anhui Normal University
安徽师范大学 化学
PhD candidate
刘畅 Mr. Chang Liu
2017.09 - Present
Ph.D. Candidate of Yunnan University
Bacterial extracellular polymers substance for recovery of precious metal resources and simultaneous synthesis of nano-electrocatalysts, Yunnan University 12th Postgraduate Innovation Project, 2020, 2020/10-2021/10, Presided over.
CuO-Au nanocomposites synthesized by Microorganisms and photocatalytic degradation of dyes , Graduate project of Scientific Research Fund of Yunnan Education Department,2022.03-2023.02 (2022Y027) Presided over.
温新伟 Mr. Xinwei Wen
2018.09 - Present
Ph.D. Candidate of Yunnan University
PhD candidate
李光 Mr. Guang Li
2020.09 - Present
Ph.D. Candidate of Yunnan University
Gonghua Hong,Post-doctor
Interest: Cellulose-based functional materials
2022.07-present: Yunnan University, Post-doctor.
2018.09-2022.06: Beijing Forestry University, Aalto University, Ph.D.
Outstanding Doctor Graduated
冉鑫 Ms. Xin Ran
2016.09 - 2018.07
Ph.D. Candidate of Yunnan University
The award of new academic doctor of yunnan province (云南省博士学术新人奖)
Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in Yunnan Province (云南省博士优秀毕业论文)
Outstanding Doctor Graduated
谭双 Mr. Shuang Tan
2019.09 - 2023.07
Ph.D. Candidate of Yunnan University
Outstanding Doctor Graduated
钱兴灿 Miss Xincan Qian
2017.09 - 2020.12
Ph.D. Candidate of Yunnan University 2020 Yunnan Provincial Scholarship for Doctoral Students of China. (省政府奖学金)
Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in Yunnan Province (云南省博士优秀毕业论文)
Outstanding Doctor Graduated
李顺灵 Miss Shunling Li
2015.09 - 2021.12
2017 National Scholarship for Postgraduate Students of China.(国家奖学金)
2020 National Scholarship for Doctoral Students of China. (国家奖学金)
2021Baosteel Award for Outstanding Student gold (宝钢优秀学生奖)
Study on electrocatalytic degradation heavy metal ions in industrial wastewater, Yunnan University 10th Postgraduate Innovation Project, 2018187, 2018/10-2019/10, Presided over.
2021 Excellent graduate of Yunnan University
Postgraduate students
Postgraduate students
Postgraduate students
赵玥 Miss Yue Zhao
2021.09 - Present
M.S. Candidate of Yunnan University
范普阳 Mr. Puyang Fan
2021.09 - Present
M.S. Candidate of Yunnan University
腾凯 Mr. Kai Teng
2021.09 - Present
M.S. Candidate of Yunnan University
于杨 Miss Yang Yu
2021.09 - Present
M.S. Candidate of Yunnan University
陈宇曦 Miss YuXi Chen
2022.09 - Present
M.S. Candidate of Yunnan University危钰慧 Miss Yuhui Wei
2021.09 - Present
M.S. Candidate of Yunnan University
葛琳 Mr.Lin Ge
2022.09 - Present
M.S. Candidate of Yunnan University
吴佳杰 Mr. Jiajie Wu
2022.09 - Present
M.S. Candidate of Yunnan University
谭双 2019/09-2023/07; Mr. Shuang Tan, Doctor Degree of Yunnan University
陈可欣 2020/09-2023/07; Miss Kexin Chen, Master Degree of Yunnan University
马恩阳 2020/09-2023/07; Mr. Enyang Ma, Master Degree of Yunnan University
潘修文 2020/09-2023/07; Mr. Xiuwen Pan, Master Degree of Yunnan University
陈帅 2020/09-2023/07; Mr. shuai Chen, Master Degree of Yunnan University
吴涛 2020/09-2023/07; Miss Tao Wu, Master Degree of Yunnan University
曾凤 2020/09-2023/07; Miss Feng Zeng, Master Degree of Yunnan University
李晓虹 2019/09-2022/07; Miss Xiaohong Li, Master Degree of Yunnan University
李树丽 2019/09-2022/07; Miss Shuli Li, Master Degree of Yunnan University
代宜秀 2019/09-2022/07; Miss Yixiu Dai, Master Degree of Yunnan University
唐从奎 2019/09-2022/07; Mr. Congkui Tang, Master Degree of Yunnan University
白雄菲 2019/09-2022/07; Miss Xiongfei Bai, Master Degree of Yunnan University
李顺灵 2015/09-2021/12; Miss. Shunling Li, Doctor Degree of Yunnan University (硕士和博士研究生国家奖学金、宝钢优秀学生奖、云南省优秀毕业生)
杨晓樯 2018/09-2021/07; Mr. Xiaoqiang Yang, Master Degree of Yunnan University
朱婷婷 2018/09-2021/07; Miss Tingting Zhu, Master Degree of Yunnan University
李艳 2018/09-2021/07; Miss Yan Li, Master Degree of Yunnan University
高瑞霞 2018/09-2021/07; Miss Ruixia Gao, Master Degree of Yunnan University
钱兴灿 2017/09-2020/09; Miss Xincan Qian, Doctor Degree of Yunnan University (云南省政府奖学金,云南省优秀博士毕业论文)
周鑫 2017/09-2020/07; Ms. Xin Zhou, Master Degree of Yunnan University
夏可 2017/09-2020/07; Miss Ke Xia, Master Degree of Yunnan University
康亚鑫 2016/09-2019/07; Miss Yaxin Kang, Master Degree of Yunnan University(云南省优秀毕业生)
冉鑫 2017/09-2020/07; Ms. Xin Ran, Doctor Degree of Yunnan University (云南省学术新人奖、云南省优秀博士毕业论文)
左李美 2015/09-2018/07; Ms. Limei Zuo, Master Degree of Yunnan University
赖本山 2014/09-2017/07; Mr. Benshan Lai, Master Degree of Yunnan University
何玥 2013/09-2016/07; Ms. Yue He, Master Degree of Yunnan University (研究生国家奖学金、云南省优秀毕业生)
徐航天 2012/09-2015/07; Mr. Hangtain Xu, Master Degree of Yunnan University
王蕾 2012/09-2015/07; Ms. Lei Wang, Master Degree of Yunnan University (云南省政府奖学金、云南省优秀硕士毕业论文、云南省优秀毕业生)
袁瑞 2011/09-2014/07; Ms. Rui Yuan, Master Degree of Yunnan University (研究生国家奖学金、云南省优秀毕业生)
何云伟 2011/09-2014/07; Mr. Yunwei He, Master Degree of Yunnan University
张石文 2010/09-2013/07; Ms. Shiwen Zhang, Master Degree of Yunnan University
陈亚军 2010/09-2013/07; Ms. Yajun Chen, Master Degree of Yunnan University (第一届,研究生国家奖学金、云南省优秀毕业生)
王兴伟 2009/09-2012/07; Ms. Xingwei Wang, Master Degree of Yunnan University
郭欢 2008/09-2011/07; Mr. Huang Guo, Master Degree of Yunnan University
方志文2008/09-2011/07;Mr. Zhiwen Fang,Master Degree of Yunnan University
高更瑞 2007/09-2010/07; Mr. Gengrui Gao, Master Degree of Yunnan University
郝争争 2006/09-2009/07; Mr. Zhengzheng Hao, Master Degree of Yunnan University(云南省优秀毕业生)
马洁 2006/09-2009/07; Ms. Jie Ma, Master Degree of Yunnan University
杨发昌 2006/09-2009/07; Mr. Fachang Yang, Master Degree of Yunnan University
江书安 2004/09-2007/07; Mr. Shuan Jiang, Master Degree of Yunnan University
Xinwei Wen, Kexin Chen, Yefei Su, Kai Xiong, Puyang Fan, Jiajie Wu, Chang Liu, Qing Qu*, Lei Li*
EfficientLife-Cycle Management: Recyclable self-support MnCuOxS1-x wastewater treatment catalyst for electrosynthesis of benzoic acid to accelerate hydrogen production
Chemical Engineering Journal, 493 (2024) 152510.
Jiajie Wu, Feng Zeng, Zhaoqing Chen, Yuxi Chen, Lin Ge, Kai Teng, Qing Qu*, Lei Li*
Influence of Candida albicans-Streptococcus mutans cross-border interactions on the corrosion behaviour of Ti and Ti-Zr in artificial saliva
Corrosion Science, 233 (2024) 112101.
Lin Ge, Yiyang Kang, Guang Li, Jiajie Wu, Yuxi Chen, Chang Liu, Xinwei Wen, Jialiang Li, Lei Li* and Qing Qu*
Regenerating Spent Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes as Dual-Functional Biocatalysts for Highly-Efficient Oxygen and Hydrogen Evolution Using Aspergillus niger Soluble Extracellular Polymers
ACS Sustaninable Chemistry & Engineering, 12 (2024) 7466-7477.
Yuxi Chen, Gonghua Hong*, Lei Li*, Qing Qu*, Guang Li, Jiajie Wu, Lin Ge
Enlightening thermoelectric mastery: Bio-inspired cellulose gel containing eco-friendly deep eutectic solvents
Chemical Engineering Journal, 483 (2024) 149344.
XinweiWen, Yue zhao, Puyang Fan, Jiajie Wu, Kai Xiong, Chang Liu, Qing Qu*, Lei Li*
Enhancednitrate reduction via the Ag–Cu–P catalyst for sustainableammonia generation under ambient conditions
Green Chemistry, 26 (2024) 968-978.
Chang Liu, Xinwei Wen, Lin Ge, Yuxi Chen, Jiajie Wu, Qing Qu*, Lei Li*
Composition engineering of carbon nanotubes supported PtxRhRu ultrafine
nanocatalysts for ethanol electro-oxidation: Elucidating the role of
trimetallic sites
Chemical Engineering Journal, 478 (2023) 147340.
Yang Yu, Chang Liu, Shaojia Gu, Yuhui Wei, Lei Li, Qing Qu*
Upcycling spent palladium-based catalysts into high value-added catalysts via electronic regulation of Escherichia coli to high-efficiently reduce hexavalent chromium
Environmental Pollution, 337 (2023) 122660.
Gonghua Hong, Qing Qu*, Orlando J. Rojas*, Lei Li, Delong Xie, Yuxin Liu
Epiphyte-inspired multifunctional biocomposites for electromagnetic interference shielding
Chemical Engineering Journal, 469 (2023) 143960.
Chang Liu, Xin Ran, Guang Li, Zhi Li, Guanben Du, Long Yang*, Lei Li*, Qing Qu*
Facile-synthesis and shape-adjustment of irregular gravel-like PtPd nanocatalysts by threedimensional hyperbranched polyamide (HBPA) with enhanced activity in ethanol oxidation
International Journal of hydrogen Energy,48(2023) 21686-21700
Guang Li, Chang Liu, Yun Yang, Xiuwen Pan, Tao Wu, Feng Zeng, Enyang Ma,
Qing Qu *, Lei Li*Bioregulation of FeNi LDH morphology and electronic structure to highly promote electrocatalytic oxygen evolution
Chemical Engineering Journal ,455(2023(2)) 140893.
Chang Liu, Tao Wu, Feng Zeng, Xiuwen Pan, Guang Li, Kai Teng, Xin Ran, Qing Qu* ,Lei Li* , Long Yang*
High-selective and effective carbon nanotubes supported ultrasmall PtPdRh electrocatalysts for ethanol oxidationElectrochimica Acta, 437 (2023) 141531.
Congkui Tang, Shunling Li, Shuang Tan, Chang Liu, Xiaoqiang Yang, Qing Qu *, Lei Li *
A kind of biological hybrid material – Trichoderma viride/FeOOH as adurable anticorrosion coating for steel
Materials & Design,225 (2023) 111475.
Chang Liu, Guang Li, Enyang Ma, Feng Zeng, Tao Wu, Kexin Chen, Puyang Fan, Xinwei Wen, Lei Li, Qing Qu*
Control-synthesized ultrafine Au nanoparticles by Aspergillus nigerextracellular metabolites from SIM cards as high-effective 4-nitrophenoldegradation catalystJournal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10 (2022) 108676.
Kexin Chen, Xiaoqiang Yang, Qing Qu* , Tao Wu, Shuai Chen, Lei Li*
Inhibition of microbiologically influenced corrosion and biofouling of X70 carbon steels by near-superhydrophobic D-cysteine/Ag@ZIF-8 coatings
Corrosion Science, 208(2022) 110682
Xiaohong Li, Shunling Li, Kai Gan, Xiongfei Bai, Shuli Li, Congkui Tang, Lei Li *, Qing Qu*,
Bacterial-driven upcycling spent Ag into high-performance catalyst for toxic organics reduction
Chemosphere. 2022, 305, 135421
Feng Zeng, Yan Li, KeXin Chen, Guang Li, Chang Liu, Lin Wang, Lei Li*, Qing Qu*
Adsorption of Candida albicans on Ti-6Al-4V surface and its corrosion effects in artificial saliva
Bioelectrochemistry. 2022,148,108249
Xiongfei Bai, Xiaohong Li, Shuli Li , Enyang Ma, Yixiu Dai, Lin Wang, Lei Li*, and Qing Qu*,
A stable Au–N bond controlled probe immobilization approach for the sensitive detection of kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene DNA using NH2-HMS@Au
Journal of Materials Science. 2022,57, 10328–10342
A regenerable and reducing false-positive fluorescent switch for detection of β-amyloid 1−42 oligomers
Talanta. 2022,246, 123461
Shunling Li, Muhan Chen, Rui Huang, Xiaohong Li, Lei Li* , Yixiu Dai , Qing Qu*
Facile and clean separation of Pb(II) from soil and recycling by pH-triggered microbial technologyChemical Engineering Journal. 2021, 424, 130394
Shunling Li, Xinwei Wen, Chang Liu, Yixiu Dai, Xiaoling Shi, Lei Li*, Shuang Tan, Qing Qu*, Rui Huang
A sustainable way to reuse Cr(VI) into an efficient biological nanometer electrocatalyst by Bacillus megaterium
J. Hazard Mater. 409 (2021) 124942.Shunling Li, Lei Li*, Xinwei Wen, Xiaoqiang Yang, Xiaoling Shi, Qing Qu*
Ultrasmall Pd and PtPd nanoparticles for highly efficient catalysis directed by predesigned Morchella-inspired encapsulation
J. Colloid Interface Sci. 585 (2021) 368-375.
Ruixia Gao, Yan Li, Tingting Zhu, Yixiu Dai, Xiaohong Li, Lin Wang, Lei Li*, Qing Qu*
ZIF-8@s-EPS as a novel hydrophilic multifunctional biomaterial for efficient scale inhibition, antibacterial and antifouling in water treatment
Science of the Total Environment. 2021, 773, 145706
Facile and clean synthesis of dihydroxylatopillar[5]arene-stabilized gold nanoparticles integrated Pd/MnO 2 nanocomposites for robust and ultrasensitive detection of cardiac troponin I
Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 130 (2019)214-224.
Shunling Li, Qing Qu*, Lei Li*, Ke Xia, Yan Li,Tingting Zhu
Bacillus cereus s-EPS as a dual bio-functional corrosion and scale inhibitor in artificial seawater
Water Research. 166 (2019) 115094.
Shunling Li, Lei Li*, Xinwei Wen, Xiaoqiang Yang, Xiaoling Shi, Qing Qu*
Extracellular electron transfer of Bacillus cereus biofilm and its effect on the corrosion behaviour of 316L stainless steel
Colloid and Surfaces B: biointerfaces. 173(2019)139-147
Electrochimica Acta 313 (2019) 235-244.
Xin Ran, Qing Qu*, Lei Li*, Limei Zuo, Shihong Zhang, Yaxin Kang, Long Yang
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2018, 6(9)11716–11723
Xin Ran, Qing Qu*, Xincan Qian, Wei Xie, Shunling Li, Lei Li*, Long Yang
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 257(2018) 362–371
Qing Qu*, Shunling Li, Lei Li*, Limei Zuo, Xin Ran, Yao Qu, Baolin Zhu,
Corrosion Science, 2017, 118, 12–23
Qing Qu*, Lei Wang, Lei Li, Yue He, Ming Yang, Zhong Tao
Corrosion Science, 2015, 98, 249–259
Qing Qu*, Yue He, Lei Wang, Hangtain Xu, Lei Li, Ying Chen, Zhong Tao
Corrosion Science, 2015, 91, 321–329
Patents 专利
A Biomass Composite Material Based on Functional Improvement of Bamboo Fiber and Its Preparation Method, No:. ZL 2022 1 1225877.1, Authorization date: 2023.10.20
一种基于竹纤维功能性改良的生物质复合材料及其制备方法,专利号:2022 1 1225877.1, 授权日:2023.10.20
A non-metallic electrocatalytic material and its preparation method and application, No:. ZL 2022 1 0823228.5, Authorization date: 2023.8.18
一种非金属电催化剂材料及其制备方法和应用,专利号:ZL 2022 1 0823228.5,授权日:2023.8.18
A biological semiconductor nanomaterial and its preparation method and application, No:. ZL 202111334065.6, Authorization date: 2022.11.22
一种生物半导体纳米材料及其制备方法和应用,专利号:ZL 202111334065.6,授权日:2022.11.22
Metal nanoparticles and their preparation methods and Applications, No:. ZL 202110424759.2, Authorization date: 2022.5.6
一种金属纳米颗粒及其制备方法和应用,专利号:ZL 202110424759.2,授权日:2022.5.6
A method for the preparation of aminocarbon quantum dots, No:. ZL 2019103337299.2, Authorization date: 2022.01.28
一种氨基化碳量子点的制备方法,专利号:ZL 2019103337299.2, 授权日:2022.01.28
Recovery and utilization of precious metal resources by Bacillus extracellular polymer, No:. ZL 201911201617.9, Authorization date: 2021.6.22
利用芽孢杆菌胞外聚合物对贵金属资源回收与利用的方法,专利号:ZL 201911201617.9,授权日:2021.6.22
An electrochemical DNA biosensor for detection of Arthrotuxospora oligospora and its application No:. ZL 201610910268.8, Authorization date: 2019.02.26
一种检测少孢节丛孢电化学DNA生物传感器及其应用,专利号: ZL 201610910268.8,授权日:2019.02.26
A peracetic acid disinfectant for environmental protection and corrosion resistance, No:. ZL 201010150527.4, Authorization date: 2012.11.7
一种环保和抗腐蚀的过氧乙酸消毒剂,专利号:ZL 201010150527.4,授权日:2012.11.7
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屈庆 Prof. Dr. Qu Qing
E-mail: quqing@ynu.edu.cn
Office Address:
Department of Chemical Sciences and Engineering
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